Cyborg experiments in research and interpretation, for museums of ethnography and archaeology, imagined with AI and human collaborators.

Midcentury modern style tabletop radio

Soundscape tuner Tabletop soundscape navigation

Wooden gift box containing juniper, pine cones, sand, berries, butter, and wool

Sensory box Gifting experiences of smell, touch, taste

Rotary telephone box in an overgrown urban ruin

Telephone Voices in situ

Life-size diorama of a nomadic camp

Multisensory diorama Exploring materiality in the simulacrum

Brightly coloured scaffolding with works of art and ethnographic objects

Scaffolding The museum as temporary structure

Anime style drawing of a museum vitrine as a temple in the forest

Return to origin Bringing cultural belongings home

Pebbles laid out on the ground like marbles in the desert, with a group of children playing in the background

Games of the world Learning to/from play

Drawing of a crowd of people speaking to one another with megaphones

Multivocal metadata The postmodern museum catalogue

Drawing of a man operating a steampunk computer with manual typewriter input

Coding machine Open QDA for museums and archives

Museum gift shop

Gift shop Safeguarding cultural value through commodification

Quiltwork made of strips of felt in different colours

Felt-making Discovering sustainable culture in textiles

Drawing of a radio telescope

Transponder Messages to colonizers from another world

Colourful painting of children gathered in a meadow, watching a television set

Chronoscope Viewing the past

A man wearing headphones and listening pensively to a ceramic bowl in a museum

Listening to artifacts Hearing objects speak

A car surrounded by detritus

Scavenger hunt Gamification of the museum visit

Montage illustrating various community museum buildings

Activating UNDRIP Decolonizing community museums

Photograph of a child being chased by a mummy

CYOA Interactive (semi-)fiction

A diagram illustrating time dilation using vintage alarm clocks

Time dilation Getting Things Done