Cyborg experiments in research and interpretation, for museums of ethnography and archaeology, imagined with AI and human collaborators.Soundscape tuner Tabletop soundscape navigationSensory box Gifting experiences of smell, touch, tasteTelephone Voices in situMultisensory diorama Exploring materiality in the simulacrumScaffolding The museum as temporary structureReturn to origin Bringing cultural belongings homeGames of the world Learning to/from playMultivocal metadata The postmodern museum catalogueCoding machine Open QDA for museums and archivesGift shop Safeguarding cultural value through commodificationFelt-making Discovering sustainable culture in textilesTransponder Messages to colonizers from another worldChronoscope Viewing the pastListening to artifacts Hearing objects speakScavenger hunt Gamification of the museum visitActivating UNDRIP Decolonizing community museumsCYOA Interactive (semi-)fictionTime dilation Getting Things Done